Post: Fortified Oat Flakes, 1960s-1970s (dmbb45046)

Post: Fortified Oat Flakes, 1960s-1970s (dmbb45046) by Duke University Libraries. Publication date . Food and Beverage Addeddate 15:09:59 Filename dmbb45046.mp4 Identifier dmbb45046 Source 746d0ec5-b678-47e2-bcbb-7bd529dd743 Year 2011 . plus-circle Add ...

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Post: Fortified Oat Flakes, 1960s-1970s (dmbb45045)

Post: Fortified Oat Flakes, 1960s-1970s (dmbb45045) by Duke University Libraries. Publication date Item Size 20.6M . Food and Beverage Addeddate 15:09:28 Filename dmbb45045.mp4 Identifier dmbb45045 Source 14d2e85a-9b2b-4363-a432-9212ed279ca Year 2011 ...

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All Cereal, Grocery & Pet Food Brands | Post Consumer Brands

Get ready to discover delicious—whether it's a familiar breakfast favorite or your favorite peanut butter snack. We have different options for different tastebuds—from dessert lovers to oatmeal enthusiasts and beyond. And just like you, our pet loved ones deserve the best in every bite.

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ISO: recipe for Post Oat Flakes

The ingredient list indicated that there was more sugar than either soy flour and rice flour. NOTE: the early 1960's recipe for Post Oat Flakes was by far the best tasting. In the mid 1960's, the recipe was changed so that the flakes would remain crispy. However the flavor of the renamed cereal "Fortified Oat Flakes" was not as good as the ...

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Best Breakfast Cereals From Consumer Reports' …

Best Breakfast Cereals From Consumer Reports' Tests

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Homemade Oat Flakes Cereal Recipe | Carla Hall | Food …

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper and lightly spray with oil. Put the rolled oats in a food processor and pulse to finely grind into oat flour.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073 / Post: Fortified Oat Flakes, 1960s …

Give him some Post Fortified Oat Flakes. Crispy flakes made from oats with an unexpectedly delicious taste, fortified with a special milk protein no other cereal has. Post Fortified Oat Flakes. Who knows, they just might make his whole day a whole lot better. (happy wedding music) Help keep that old spark burning with Post Fortified Oat Flakes.

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Food of the Seventies, Fortified Oat Flakes

Fortified Oat Flakes from Post. Cereal that came in a yellowish box. Pretty plain but one of my favorite cereals. One of the only cereals that when soggy was still tasty. ... I'll bet anyone a lot of money that I ate more Fortified oat flakes than anyone on the planet in the 1975-1977 timespan! I wil disagree with the previous poster, I put ...

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Oat Flakes (Post) Cereal

All about Oat Flakes (Post) Cereal from Post - pictures and information including commercials and cereal boxes if available. You can vote for Oat Flakes (Post) or leave a comment.

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Comments For Oat Flakes (Post)

Cereal lovers talk about Oat Flakes (Post) Cereal at The Cereal Project on MrBreakfast.

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Fortified Oat Flakes Cereal

One of my favorite cereals ever was Toasted Oat Flakes, which I can't seem to find any evidence of. I seem to recall that it was by Post, so I'm wondering if they renamed it, or if I'm suffering some Mandela Effect. Anyone know for sure?

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Post: Fortified Oat Flakes, 1970s

Post Fortified Oat Flakes: 0:18 is lightly toasted, slightly sweet, 0:20 deliciously different than any other cereal. 0:22 And it's a high nutrition cereal. 0:25 -My family likes it, so I buy it. 0:27 Item Info. Title: Post: Fortified Oat Flakes, 1970s Date: 1970s Description: (Keywords: television commercials, TV, advertisements, ads, vintage ...

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Post: Fortified Oat Flakes, 1970s (dmbb30816)

Post: Fortified Oat Flakes, 1970s (dmbb30816) ... They enjoy it, and are then told it is Fortified Oat Flakes. Not a terrible commercial, but not great either. 226 Views . 1 Review . DOWNLOAD OPTIONS download 1 file . 512KB MPEG4 download. download 1 file . …

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Post: Fortified Oat Flakes, 1960s-1970s (dmbb45049)

Post: Fortified Oat Flakes, 1960s-1970s (dmbb45049) by Duke University Libraries. Publication date Item Size 10.5M . Food and Beverage Addeddate 15:11:15 Filename dmbb45049.mp4 Identifier dmbb45049 Source 9f90bd80-2393-4ccc-a391-59c1dce06ba Year 2011 ...

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In The 80s

The following are comments left about Post Fortified Oat Flakes from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy. Gary Jordan - October 23, 2009 - Report this comment. I have been looking for oat flakes for years on the shelves. Today I decided to research it on-line.

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Post: Fortified Oat Flakes, 1970s | DPLA

Post: Fortified Oat Flakes, 1970s. Image. View Full Item. Created Date 1970s. Description. Ad mockup with stills. (Keywords: television commercials, TV, advertisements, ads, vintage, retro) Creator. Post. D'Arcy Masius Benton & Bowles (DMB&B) Partner North Carolina Digital Heritage Center. Contributing Institution

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In The 80s

A note to Post: Fortified Oat Flakes are better than a mere walk through nostalgia for those of us who enjoyed it before and who would buy it again and again, were Post to bring …

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Post: Fortified Oat Flakes, 1970s (dmbb30811)

Post: Fortified Oat Flakes, 1970s (dmbb30811) by Duke University Libraries. Publication date Item Size 10.7M . Food and Beverage Addeddate 15:04:17 Filename dmbb30811.mp4 Identifier dmbb30811 Source c589761b-73fb-4645-bad1-8eb6105c6f3 Year 2011 . plus ...

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Post: Fortified Oat Flakes, 1970s (dmbb27023)

Post: Fortified Oat Flakes, 1970s (dmbb27023) by Duke University Libraries. Publication date Item Size 10.7M . Food and Beverage Addeddate 15:00:57 Filename dmbb27023.mp4 Identifier dmbb27023 Source 36203178-53ce-4f90-8ab7-1c45d604876 Year 2011 . plus ...

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Oat Flakes Cereal

1-48 of 694 results for "oat flakes cereal" Results. Check each product page for other buying options. Oatmeal Crisp Heart Healthy Cereal, High Fiber Cereal Made with Whole Grain, 19.7 oz. ... Post Honey Bunches of Oats Crunchy Honey Roasted Cereal 18 Ounce (Pack of 1) Box. Crunchy Honey Roasted. 18 Ounce (Pack of 1) 4.7 out of 5 stars. 4,779.

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Post: Fortified Oat Flakes, 1970s

♪ Who's been eating my Fortified Oat Flakes ♪ 0:07 ♪ Thought I bought plenty, but I didn't buy enough ♪ 0:09 Announcer: Fortified Oat Flakes taste so good, 0:13 it's hard to keep around. 0:15 These delicious oat flakes are lightly toasted, 0:17 slightly sweet, and all that good taste is

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Comments For Fortified Oat Flakes

Post Fortified Oats Flakes was way ahead of it's time. Bring back its delicious taste of oats and malt with a slightly sweet, kind of maple/buckwheat flavor. I have missed and looked for it for many years.

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Post: Fortified Oat Flakes, 1970s (dmbb30802)

Post: Fortified Oat Flakes, 1970s (dmbb30802) by Duke University Libraries. Publication date . Food and Beverage Addeddate 15:02:16 Filename dmbb30802.mp4 Identifier dmbb30802 Source 2497aeee-28d3-46a8-b2c1-f2277e7cec5 Year 2011 . plus-circle Add ...

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Post: Fortified Oat Flakes, 1970s

Post Fortified Oat Flakes: 0:18 is lightly toasted, slightly sweet, 0:20 deliciously different from any other cereal, 0:22 and it's a high nutrition cereal. 0:25 -It's one I'd like my family to eat. 0:27 Item Info. Title: Post: Fortified Oat Flakes, 1970s Date: 1970s Description: (Keywords: television commercials, TV, advertisements, ads ...

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Post: Fortified Oat Flakes, 1970s (dmbb30812)

Post: Fortified Oat Flakes, 1970s (dmbb30812) by Duke University Libraries. Publication date Item Size 10.8M . Food and Beverage Addeddate 15:04:32 Filename dmbb30812.mp4 Identifier dmbb30812 Source 135b85c5-31c7-473d-b332-b57294f0107 Year 2011 . plus ...

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Oat Flakes Cereal

Nature's Path Organic Multigrain Oat Bran Flakes Cereal, 2 Lbs. Earth Friendly Package (Pack of 6), Non-GMO, 14g Whole Grains, Low Fat

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Post: Fortified Oat Flakes, 1970s

(Narrator) Post fortified oat flakes is lightly toasted, 0:19 slightly sweet, deliciously different from any other cereal. 0:21 And it's a high nutrition cereal. 0:25 -You've got a great family cereal here. 0:27 Item Info. Title: Post: Fortified Oat Flakes, 1970s Date: 1970s Description: (Keywords: television commercials, TV, advertisements ...

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Post: Fortified Oat Flakes, 1970s (dmbb27022)

Post: Fortified Oat Flakes, 1970s (dmbb27022) by Duke University Libraries. Publication date Item Size 10.8M . Food and Beverage Addeddate ... The announcers says "FOF" is "Fortified Oat Flakes". The commercial makes the product look appealing. It uses humour to get the message across. 150 Views . 1 Favorite. 1 Review . DOWNLOAD ...

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Arrowhead Mills

Post Oat Flakes were very popular in the 1970s, but discontinued many decades ago. One reviewer said these flakes tasted like Post Oat Flakes. I disagree. There is almost no flavor, and I didn't care for what little flavor there is. Another reviewer said the flakes were too thick. I disagree with that comment, as well.

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ISO: recipe for Post Oat Flakes

So many people miss Post Oat Flakes, the best cereal ever made. Can someone duplicate the flavor in a homemade cereal or cereal topping? Ingredient were: Oat flour, sugar (18.5 %), soy …

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11 Healthy Fortified Cereals and 10 to Avoid

While whole-grain cereals may still be fortified with micronutrients, these options are the healthiest choices, especially those that contain low amounts of added sugar. Here's a list of fortified cereal brands and oatmeal …

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Post Cereal Nutrition & Production: Ingredients …

Cereal servings can range from 1/4 cup to 1 3/4 cups. Some cereals are an excellent source of fiber and contain whole grains, like Grape-Nuts® cereal and Shredded Wheat cereal, while other cereals are just plain indulgent and …

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Post Breakfast Cereal Finder: Where to Buy Near …

Let us help you find your favorite Post® product on a grocery store shelf near you or from online retailers like Amazon and Walmart using our cereal finder.* Chips Ahoy! Honey Ohs! Can't find a certain cereal or product? Check our list of …

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Post Breakfast Cereal Finder: Where to Buy Near …

Let us help you find your favorite Post® product on a grocery store shelf near you or from online retailers like Amazon and Walmart using our cereal finder.* 9Lives® Alpen® Muesli

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Food of the Seventies, Post Fortified Oat Flakes Cereal

You would that with all the well-documented and well-marketed health benefits of oats and oatmeal, Post would be savvy enough to reintroduce Post Fortified Oat Flakes. That cereal …

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Post: Fortified Oat Flakes, 1970s (dmbb30817)

Post: Fortified Oat Flakes, 1970s (dmbb30817) by Duke University Libraries. Publication date . Food and Beverage Addeddate 15:05:37 Filename dmbb30817.mp4 Identifier dmbb30817 Source 1dbf333e-c0f8-4f2b-b746-15edfba828a Year 2011 . plus-circle Add Review. comment ...

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