Coal Mine Safety Monitoring and Alerting System with Smart Helmet

This research represents a ZigBee-based wireless monitoring system using a smart helmet. The presented wireless monitoring system is capable of detecting and transmitting critical parameters in coal mines such as methane gas, high temperature, humidity, and fire. In an emergency, this monitoring system transmits distress signals.

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Smart Helmet indication takes the required precautions to avoid any potentially dangerous situations and sends out an alert through buzzer and Cloud Based Monitoring. The data is collected using ESP32 Arduino created tracker circuitry. It aids in the mapping of worker locations. Keywords: Smart Helmet, IoT, coal mines safety monitoring,

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Empowering Artisanal Miners through Innovative …

For instance, Shashidhar et al. (2022) designed a smart helmet for coal miners, using an Arduino Uno as a microcontroller, demonstrating its effectiveness in enhancing safety. Similarly, Kishore et al. (2013) examined the use of IoT-based smart helmets for coal miners using Zigbee technology. Furthermore Shabina (2014)developed a smart helmet ...

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"IOT BASED SMART SAFETY HELMET FOR MINING WORKERS USING NRF MODULE". Mayur kasar1 ... R., et al. (2016). "Smart Helmet for Coal Miners using Zigbee Technology." International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 5(12), 23879-23883. ... Preethi, A. C., et al. (2020). "Smart Helmet for Monitoring the ...

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Real-Time Monitoring and Alarm System in …

(2013) designed a smart safety helmet using ZigBee te chnology to monitor hazardous gasse s, helmet. ... "Inter nal Reports of Tabas Co al Mine," pp 110-135, Tabas. 20. Kesavan, ...

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Zig-Bee Based Intelligent Helmet for Coal Miners

Include suffocation, gas poisoning, roof collapse and gas explosion by keeping all those activity which done in underground coal mine we designed a system i.e. Zig bee based …

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SURAKSHA KAVACH-A SMART HELMET FOR COAL MINERS USING ZIGBEE TECHNOLOGY 1Shaik Abdul Rahim, 2Dr.A Sathish,3S. V Ratan Kumar 1,2,3 Dept. of ECE, RGM Engineering College, Nandyal, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh, India Email: rahimrgm@gmail Abstract—In recent days coal mining has been a very dangerous activity for coal

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Coal Mine Safety Monitoring and Alerting System with …

gadget is a smart helmet equipped with a push-button, buzzer, and a ZigBee transmitter. At any sudden point of time, if any worker feels uneasiness or needs medical attention, that worker can use the push button, which will trigger thebuzzer and transmit an emergency message to the controlroom via ZigBee. Fig. 2: Block Diagram of Smart Helmet 2

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[3] Kiran Kishore V, E Narasimha and Y Shruthi, "smart helmet for coal miners using zigbee technology" Issue-2, Volume-2, 067069. [4] "Iot Based Smart Helmet for Coal Mining Tracking" Prof. Deepali Shinkar1, Saili S Garad2, Manali S Joshi3, Komal A Nimbhorkar4, Amir R Patel IRJEET VOLUME 6 ISSUE 12.

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An Approach to Design a Smart Helmet for …

Anastasi et al., "A real-time ... Mahendra Dhame and Prof. Rizwana Qureshi "Smart Helmet for Coal Miners using ZigBee Technology" Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-2 ...

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(PDF) Design and Implementation of a Smart …

This paper proposes a Real-Time University Bus Tracking Application based on Android based smart phone. This application enable for students, teachers and staffs to find out the location of the ...

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Coal Mine Safety Monitoring and Alerting System with …

a smart helmet. The presented wireless monitoring system is capable of detecting and transmitting critical parameters in coal minessuch as methane gas, high temperature, humidity, and fire.

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Sustainable Smart Helmet For Coal Miners

The "Sustainable Smart Safety Helmet for Coal Miners" paper aims to enhance the safety and well-being of coal miners by implementing an innovative monitoring system.

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A Smart Helmet for the Mining Industry using LoRaWAN

A Smart Helmet for the Mining Industry using LoRaWAN To cite this article: G Pradeepkumar et al 2021 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1916 012089 View the article online for updates and enhancements.

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Smart Helmet For Coal Miners | IEEE Conference Publication

With the use of different sensors, the smart helmet will be able to identify catastrophic situations such as harmful gases like Carbon-Monoxide, CH 4, LPG, and natural …

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Design and Simulation of Smart Helmet for Coal Miners …

ABSTRACT: The basic object of this paper is to design and Simulation of smart helmet for coal miners using zigbee technology. The primary objective of this thesis is making use of smart helmet, management of accident events can be a real-time monitoring system. This system …

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ZigBee Based Intelligent Helmet for Coal Miners

The programme adopted ZigBee wireless technology to build wireless sensor networks, realized real-time surveillance with early-warning intelligence on methane, temperature, humidity in mining area, and used speech communication to reduce potential safety problems in coal production. A cost effective ZigBee-based wireless mine supervising system is presented in this article. This …

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A review on smart wearable devices for soldier safety during

Every smart wearable device is equipped with a Zigbee module so that the sensor data from the smart helmet is transmitted to cluster node and to the cloud using LORA network by the architecture shown in Fig. 5 so that immediate emergency services will be provided by control unit by analyzing the sensor data from the cloud for the soldier who is ...

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Coal Mine Safety Monitoring and Alerting System with Smart Helmet

This research represents a ZigBee-based wireless monitoring system using a smart helmet. The presented wireless monitoring system is capable of detecting and transmitting critical parameters in ...

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Smart Helmet for Coal Miners using Zigbee Technology

This project aims at developing a wireless sensor networks, realized real-time surveillance with early-warning intelligence on harmful gases, temperature, humidity in mining area and used zigbee communication to reduce potential safety problems in coal production using a Zigbee wireless technology. This project focuses on a mine supervising system which is …

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A Smart Helmet for Air Quality and Hazardous …

A smart helmet has been developed that is able to detect of hazardous events in the mines industry. In the development of helmet, we have considered the three main types of hazard such as air quality, helmet removal, and collision (miners …

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Intelligent Helmet for Coal Miners Using Zigbee Technology

The main objective of the project is to design a wireless helmet for coal miners using ZigBee wireless technology. An intelligent helmet is used as a system with sensor network. The …

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(PDF) Smart Helmet

People working in underground coal mines must utilize several characteristics such as smart helmets with sensors such as removers, collision detectors, gas detectors, and the helmet.

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Smart Wearable Device for Ensuring Safety of Mine …

Pulishetty Prasad,author describes a wireless helmet for coal miners using Zigbee wireless technology. The system may be a value powerful ZigBee-primarily based wireless mine supervising system. The application followed ZigBee wi-fi technology to build wireless sensor

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(PDF) Smart Helmet Using Zigbee | IJIRT Journal

The supervisor should be able to alert the mine worker too. B. Literature Review C. J. Behr, A. Kumar and G.P. Hancke, "A Smart Helmet for Air Quality and Hazardous Event Detection for the Mining Industry", IEEE 2016. A smart mining helmet was developed that is able to detect three types of hazardous events such as danger level of hazardous ...

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Safety Helmets For Coal Miners Using Zigbee Technology

The smart helmets used by the coal miners mobile wireless sensors that will observe the change in environment ... is the main part of the coal mine. This section is use to collect data from the sensors like ... the project "Safety helmet for coal miners using ZigBee technology" and as well as they are tested.

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(PDF) Empowering Artisanal Miners through Innovative …

Kishore et al. (2013) examined the use of IoT-based smart helmets for coal miners us ing Zigbee technology. Furthermore Shabina (2014) deve loped a smart helmet t hat uses a wireless se nsor ...

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(PDF) A Smart Helmet for Worker Safety in Mining …

This paper presents implementation of safety helmet for coal mine workers. This helmet is equipped with methane and carbon monoxide gas sensor.

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The aim of the project is to design a wireless helmet for coal miners using Zigbee wireless technology. The system Is a value powerful ZigBee-primarily based wireless mine supervising system.

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AI-Based Safety Helmet for Mining Workers Using IoT …

Coal mining is one of the most hazardous activities in the world. They frequently encountered unexpected emergencies. The use of the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) in mining helps improve worker health management and prevent injuries. In this study, a personal protective equipment (helmet) is proposed, which can provide alert signals to …

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A Smart and Secured Helmet for Coal Mining Workers

In this study, the smart helmet was used to support rescue workers at disaster sites. In the mining industry, 10 studies were performed on a smart helmet that detects harmful gases, such as carbon ...

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According to the characteristics of coal mine environment, in this paper we propose a multi-parameter wireless sensor network monitoring system based on Zigbee technology for coal mine...

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The main objective of the project is to design a wireless helmet for coal miners using ZigBee wireless technology. An intelligent helmet is used as a system with sensor network. The system adapted a ZigBee module to keep an early check …

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(PDF) Smart Helmet 5.0 for Industrial Internet of Things Using

Qiang, Cheng, et al. (2009) A cost effective ZigBee-based wireless mine supervising system Thanks to the implementation of communication technologies, it is possible to notify both the

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An Internet of Things-Based Mining Worker Safety Helmet Using …

In 2017, Sravani and Rambabu implemented ZigBee technology in order to ensure the safety of the people who works in a mining industry and also to control and adapt the changes in the mining environment [].In 2016, Behr et al. designed a system using a various sensors for determine hazardous gases anda also which helps in warning about the condition which causes human …

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IoT based smart wearables for mine worker's safety

Integrated Mine Safety Monitoring And Alerting System Using Zigbee & Can Bus." ... Crossref. Search ADS 5. Porselvi, T., et al. "Iot Based Coal Mine Safety And Health Monitoring System Using Lorawan." 3rd International Conference On Signal Processing And Communication (ICPSC ... Smart Helmet For Coal Mines Safety Monitoring With Mobile App "

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